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Discovery of Magick (Dark Light Academy Book 1) Page 16

  “Which earrings?” I asked, thinking of the few pairs Serena had included as part of my new wardrobe.

  “None yet. A bond pledge gift from each of your guys will be gifted to you. It’s why Serena swooped in yesterday and dragged them off. She was taking them around to the master jeweler’s to select something suitable as they had insisted on their choices being personal.”

  My heart warmed. “Aww, they don’t have to give me anything!” I said. They really didn’t, I knew how they felt about me. Besides, we had the bracelets. Though really, I suppose according to tradition, they probably did. In the human world, it would be an engagement ring, but they’d hardly make me wear three rings, would they? Since I wasn’t wearing a necklace, it was probably something like that. Probably something simple, since they knew I loved my pretties but didn’t do gaudy. I felt a thrill creep into me, excited at the thought of getting presents.

  “I don’t have anything for them!” I exclaimed.

  “Since you’re gifting your abilities to serve as a locii, there’s no need,” she explained.

  “I don’t care,” I replied stubbornly. “Back in the human world, sometimes the groom-to-be also wears a ring, not just the girl. “

  Her eyes widened. “The guests are arriving already,” Lisette said. “There’s no time to go choose rings.”

  “No, but I can give them each a rose,” I said. “Fetch me three roses.” If they were a bit past their best, I could deal with that. Now that I’d mastered simple spells, I could add a touch of freshness to things like bread that had begun to go stale, cut flowers, and so on. Just a sort of perk up kind of thing, nothing as whizz-bang as the guys and I had done together. Well, what we’d meant to do, as what we actually did had gone far beyond our expectations and intentions. Just like it had with the tree. We really needed to get a handle on that.

  She gave me an exasperated look but did as I asked, returning a few minutes later with three long-stemmed roses. They were fully open and starting to look a bit off around the edges of the petals, so I whispered the words and let my magick swirl over them. There, perfect.

  “Mrwrrrr,” George said, walking through the still-closed door. I hated it when she did that half phased state thing, it was quite unsettling. I’m pretty sure she knew it, too, which is why she was now doing it at every opportunity.

  Lisette took them from me. “It’s time,” she said. “They’re waiting for you.

  I took a deep breath, and smoothed my hands down my skirt, willing them to stop shaking. I held my chin up and adopted what I thought was a regal pose, checking it in the mirror. I tried out a smile, putting myself into the headspace that I used to have when playing princess with Marla, so many years ago. I regarded my reflection and gave it that little royal wave used to greet crowds from a passing carriage. Yes, I had it! I reached my hand out for the roses. “Give them to me,” I decided. I checked to see how to hold them best while making them seem an accessory. Satisfied, I turned on my heel and did my utmost to glide in the heels they’d provided. I could walk okay in them, but swanning about took concentration. I missed my wedges dreadfully.

  Lisette held open my dressing room door, then the door to our chambers. I sailed out regally, my ears catching the low murmur of conversation in the great hall and the strain of violins playing. All activity stopped as I reached the top of the stairs, where the Royal Trio waited with their parents and my grandmother. Laurent’s lips parted as he drank me in. Charles nodded at me, a smile of what looked like approval gracing his mouth. Brent inclined his head in a courtly manner.

  No one else acknowledged my presence bar taking it as a signal to begin addressing the crowd. Grandmother spoke, her voice clear and strong, her poise regal as she addressed the large crowd. “Hello, everyone. We’d like to thank you for coming here to celebrate the bonding promise of the four most powerful wielders of magick seen for over a generation. Possibly for several generations, if their untapped potential proves as predicted.”

  Excited whispers broke out.

  “I know many of you use that Witchagram thing ma bob my niece is always snapping photos for,” here she paused for the low laughs that erupted. “In which case you’ll already know her face. I’d like to formally introduce her, however.” She turned a kindly smile to me that did not quite reach her eyes. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  I moved to her side. George poofed out from the between, sitting regally at my feet. She sat up, stared at the crowd, and began washing one paw with delicate precision.

  “This is Tuesday, daughter of my daughter and heir to our House. She was hidden in the human realm by those who sought to keep her for themselves. Her father was a Changeling Fae, and in addition to the wild magick that gifts her with, she is also a powerful locii.”

  Gasps arose around the room.

  Laurent’s father stepped forward. “My son has proved to also possess enough Fae blood that he resonates not only with his two best friends, from Houses long allied in friendship and purpose, but with Tuesday. And by all accounts, it is also a love match between them.”

  “Awww…” a woman up front said, a hand flying to her bosom.

  He continued. “It is therefore with great joy that we announce our sons’ bonding as a triad, along with the Trio’s bonding to Tuesday, as their locii.” More gasps erupted at this announcement.

  I rolled my eyes. Puh-lease. As if they all hadn’t been following the gossip provided by Miranda and her Witchagram posts.

  The adults stepped back, leaving the guys and me front and center. Laurent took a step forward before turning to face me, a plush royal blue pillow in his hands. My eyes grew round as I saw what he had on it. “As our power grows,” he said in a strong voice, loud enough to resonate throughout the space, “so will our love. Know that with this, we shall never be far from you.” He held out the pillow, and I took the necklace from it. It was a finely wrought gold chain with what I now saw was a locket with a starburst pattern diamond-cut onto its surface, a sapphire set in the center.

  I removed it from the pillow and opened it. Inside was a tiny miniature of the three of them. I closed it, overcome with how romantic and sweet a gift he’d chosen me. His father took the pillow, passing it off to Francis, who stood unobtrusively to one side. Laurent reached for the necklace, and I turned around so he could place it around my neck. I felt him fasten the clasp, then a brush of his lips ghosted the nape of my neck where it lay. “You look stunning,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to get you out of that dress.”

  I shivered, the warmth of his breath on my skin making my body remember the delights that usually accompanied such promises. I felt him step away, and I turned back around to face the crowd, my hand caressing the locket. Next, Brent stepped up his pillow a plush red. A velvet box sat in its center. “Know that my regard sees your beauty inside and out, and it needs no adornment. Yet nothing finer could grace these trinkets, giving them their true value.” He opened the box with one hand, and I stared down at the most beautiful pair of earrings. Two golden starbursts with a sapphire set in their midst, with an upside-down teardrop suspended from gold wire. They complemented the locket perfectly.

  I took the box, and he passed the pillow to his father, who, in turn, handed it off to Francis. Brent reached inside the open box and removed an earring. I tilted my head to allow him access to my ear, and he placed the post in my ear and added the back. Then he moved over to my other side, and we repeated the process. He took a step back, Charles taking his place.

  His pillow was a vibrant, deep green, and upon it was a golden headband, the kind you use to keep your hair from going all over the place like mine is prone to without care, diamond-cut swirls upon the flat surface. He tilted his head roguishly at me, a playful smile on his lips and his eyes twinkling. “My gift to you is to remind you that you’ll never get us out of your hair.” I laughed, as did several of those watching. “Every day of our hopefully very long lives, you’ll turn around and there we’ll be. Three men, revolving
around you as planets around a sun.”

  I took the band and wished desperately for a mirror, afraid to muss my curls after Lisette spent so much time getting them just right. My hands shook as his words had me ready to melt into a puddle of goo. He passed his pillow off and reached for the band. “Allow me,” he murmured. I gave it to him, and he slid it over my hair, placing the gently rounded ends behind my ears, smoothing my curls to where they needed to be. “So pretty, but then, you are no matter what you’re wearing,” he murmured.

  “Flatterer,” I whispered back. He winked, then stepped back into line.

  I stayed where I was. “Three gifts have been given, and three more are to be received,” I said, taking a rose from my other hand.

  Laurent moved to stand before me. I was a bit surprised, thinking Charles would have moved back into place, but whatever. As long as they each got one for the ceremony.

  “A rose by any other name is still a rose,” I quoted, unable to think of anything else to say. Laurent’s shoulders gave a small quake and his lips twitched. Oh, he was going to tease me about this later, for sure! “This, I give to you.” I handed him the rose, then glanced over at the other two, who got my message and came to stand beside Laurent. “A rose for you each, equal in my esteem.” I gave Charles and Brent the remaining two. “May we blossom as fully true to what we should be, as these did.”

  Brent looked like he was about to lose it at that. I decided to quit while I was ahead, so I kissed each of them on the cheek, really glad my lipstick was the no rub off kind. I turned to face the crowd and on impulse, grabbed Charles’ hand. He grabbed Brent’s who took Laurent’s in his other as I dropped into a curtsy, and they bowed. Applause broke out and apparently bored, George winked out, probably to go back to our rooms for a cat nap.

  “What are you doing?” Charles asked under his breath. “This isn’t a play.”

  “Isn’t it?” I asked.

  “Fair enough,” he agreed.

  My grandmother pushed us back as we straightened up. “Please, let us dance, eat, drink, and be merry! A match has been struck!” The music started up again, signaling the crowd to disperse, some to go to the tables laden with food, others began to dance, while a few gathered into small groups to talk with friends.

  “Shall we?” Laurent asked. “It’s our ball, after all.”

  “I don’t know how to dance like that,” I whispered.

  His brow wrinkled. “Really? Okay, well, I’ll keep it simple. Just follow my lead.”

  Chapter 23

  He whirled me across the floor, no fancy steps in complicated patterns, just simple steps to the side and the occasional twirl. It was fun, and I freely admit that it felt glorious as I watched my full skirts swirl as I spun. For the first time in a while, I felt carefree. The song came to an end, and Charles cut in.

  "My turn," he said, and off we went as soon as the music started. He placed his mouth next to my ear. "Don't worry, I heard what you said about not knowing how to dance. When we get back to the academy, I can teach you after study hours."

  "Thanks," I said. "I'm going to need to know how for a lot more of these things, huh?"

  He pulled his head back and gave me a twirl. "Well, yeah. People do like a good ball among our set, plus there are the school dances."

  "Oh my gosh! I hadn't thought about those. We really are going to have some?'

  He chuckled. "There will be the Winter Solstice Ball, for one."

  "I'm going to actually have a date for a dance!" I said excitedly.

  "You never had a date to a dance before? And duh, you're going to have three."

  Three? Oh! Three dates. Whoa…I guess I will, huh? Kinda. Laurent would be with me, and Brent and Charles would be together, and we'd be all hanging out and dancing with each other, so he wasn't exactly wrong. I hurried to answer him as I realized he was waiting for a response, an expectant look on his face.

  “Not really, no. I mean, in junior high, I met up with a guy friend, and we acted like each other's date, but I mostly danced with my best friend Marla after he had his first dance. He went and hung out with his other friends for the rest of the dance." I didn't mention how he'd sort of tried to kiss me and fondled my butt, and I'd told him we weren't like that, so he walked off. He never spoke to me again, either. I was actually relieved when his family moved a short time later.

  "My turn," Brent said, interrupting us on the floor.


  "Can't dance, I know. Laurie told me." He whirled me away. "Having a good time?" he asked me.

  "I am, surprisingly."

  "I saw Joanna, Jacob, and Felicia earlier. And of course, Rina's here." He pulled a face. "As are Jen and Lydia."

  I wrinkled my nose. "Eww. I suppose we had to let them come because of who their families are. Rina's okay, though. She was kind of mean at first, and we're not besties or anything, but she and I get along okay. Well, we did just before I had to come here."

  The song ended, and he gave me a bow. "They're over by the punch bowl," he said, turning me with a hand at my elbow. "I figured you'd want to go say hi."

  Boy, did I!

  "Thanks," I said, hurrying to go talk to my friends. Well, our friends, I guess, really.

  "Tuesday!" Joanna squealed, throwing her arms around me. I hugged her back, and we jumped up and down, doing the whole girly greeting thing, Felicia throwing herself into the mix.

  "Looking good," Jacob said once he could be heard.

  I grinned back at him. "Thanks. How's school been? I can't wait to go back!"

  "You're getting to come back?" Joanna gasped.

  "Yep, after the dance. Tomorrow morning, first thing. I can't wait to blow this popsicle stand."

  “And the Trio are coming back with you, right?" Jacob asked.

  "Well, yeah. They haven't finished with their studies either, you know!" I replied.

  He sighed. "I know you guys are now all lovey-dovey, but I still don't trust them one hundred percent," he muttered.

  "You don't trust who?" Rina asked, sidling up. "Hello, future sister-in-law," she greeted me.

  Oh, man. I should have remembered that she was Laurie's sister and not just my roommate. All thoughts of not having close tabs kept on me evaporated.

  "I hear we're getting a maid," she smiled.

  "A maid?" Felicia asked. "At school?"

  "Yeah, my grandmother bullied the school into letting my new lady's maid come for some reason. It's okay, she's cool." I looked at Rina. "I was unaware I would be sharing her."

  She laughed. "Nah, I'm good. Though if she wants to make my bed and stuff, she's welcome to. Anyways, I know we called a sort of truce before all this," she waved her hand about. "I was hoping I could actually get to know you better, since you're fully bonding with my brother and all. And don't worry, the folks can plot all they want," she rolled her eyes. "I want no part in it. I'm scared they'll try to find me a bond-mate next or some shit, to be honest."

  "What about Lydia?" Jacob challenged her.

  "Ugh! Don't get me started. She's been even more ridiculous since you all left," she told me. "I've had enough of her. If it wasn't for her family's influence and them agreeing to build a new library for the school and foot the entire bill for the spring class trip to Ireland, they wouldn't have let her return to school after the last stunt she pulled."

  "We're going to Ireland?" I gasped.

  "No way," Felicia said.

  "Way," Rina confirmed.

  "Awesome!" Jacob exclaimed.

  "And speaking of trips," she said, turning her attention to me once more. "Did you know my dear brother is over there trying to talk our father into paying for you guys to go on a romantic get-a-way to Bora Bora or some such?"

  I laughed. "I thought he was joking about that!"

  She giggled. "No, he really is trying his level best to convince him it's a good idea."

  "This, I gotta hear," I said. "Excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back."

  "They're by the
stairs, in that alcove with that amazingly big ugly vase."

  I knew exactly where she was talking about. Grandmother had a five-foot-tall vase that was baby poop green with brown splodges on it standing there. It didn't match the rest of the decor, and I had no idea what it was doing there. I figured it must have been a hideous wedding present to some ancestor who had been obligated to display it or something. Only it must have become a hideous heirloom no one felt comfortable getting rid of even though they hated it.

  It was easy enough to reach them, people had given them space for a bit of privacy. Laurent had his back to me, and his father was intent on whatever it was he was saying. My blood ran cold when I heard what he had to say.

  "Look, all I'm saying is let at least let us go with her on a short trip to an isolated, romantic get-a-away. She'll fall for us even deeper, grow into accepting the three-way physical bond in all ways. The growth in our bond will make mine and the guy's magick even more focused, not to mention greater. After all, how am I supposed to convince her to be mine, never mind ours, if the guys and I can't woo her with familiar temptations?"

  I stepped back before either noticed me. This was what he wanted to take me away for? Just to make me fall harder for him and deepen my crushes on Charles and Brent so they could all use me? I turned to make a getaway, not making it far before I ran into Lydia.

  "Trouble in paradise?" she sneered. "What, he tell you the truth, now that you've bound yourself by contract to become theirs?"

  For a split second, I had no idea what she meant about any contract. Then it dawned on me. Oh, right. The bracelets and our magickally enforced commitment. As for the rest...

  "What are you even talking about? What truth?" I demanded.